Wednesday, November 12, 2008



Tampaksiring is a small city that has a spokesperson with the most impressive old in Bali, here, there are also a big important shrines and public bathing places, the place is Tampaksiring stopover for tourists from Wolverhampton, which will showcase Batur.Kawasan to Lake Siring is very popular, especially as the first president of the Republic of Indonesia - Sukarno, who founded the State Palace located close to the Pura Tirta Empul. Tampaksiring name taken from two words language Bali, which is visible (which means' flat ') and siring (which means' italic'). According to a legend that recorded in the leaves of palm Usana Bali, the name is derived from the foot of a former King called Mayadenawa. King of this clever and magic, but a savage wrath. He considers himself the god and tell people worship him. As a result of the habits that Mayadenawa, Batara Indra angry and send balatentaranya to menghacurkannya. However, entry Mayadenawa ran forest. To prevent the loss pengejarnya impressions, he runs with his feet flat tip. With so he hopes that the pengejarnya not recognize that the impression that it is abandoned human impressions, the impressions Mayadenawa.Usaha Mayadenawa failed. Finally, he is caught by the pengejarnya. However, before that, with the remnants kesaktiannya he successfully created the eye-toxic water that caused many deaths for the pengejarnya after they drink water from springs ciptannya it. Batara Indra also create other sources of water as the toxic water. The formula is poison the water given the name Tirta Empul (which means' airsuci '). Forest area into the King Mayadenawa denagn running in the top of the foot that is tilted that this region is known by the name Tampaksiring. Tampaksiring have some objects that tourism has been recognized by domestic and foreign tourists, as these objects are among the domestic tourist district with 8 village because there is this famous presidential palace. But, with the broad district 42.63 square km have this many objects that tourism is famous throughout the world. Such as Mount Kawi, Pura Tirta Empul and many more sites to heritage to the south.


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