Sunday, November 16, 2008

Tirta Empul Temple | Pura Tirta Empul

Pura Tirta Empul is the historical heritage of the Kingdom in Bali located not far from the Palace side Siring. Tirta Empul meaning of holy water gush out of the land. Water that comes from Tirta Empul flow to the River Pekerisan. For the river, there are objects - objects purbakala.Pura built in 960 AD by King Chandra Bhayasingha Dynasty Warmadewa. Ideally there is a temple in Bali Pura page is divided into three parts, namely: home page (Jabe Pura), the middle page (Jabe Central), and in part (Offal). In the middle there are two swimming rectangle. In the pool has 30 shower the line from east to west facing south. Each - each shower have their own name - sendiri.Bagi visitors who are women or obstruction is coming months are not allowed to enter into this Pura. If you want to enter the shrine every visitor is required to bind the attributes of cloth and fabrics that have been prepared by the Pura Tirta Empul. And as a purified so that visitors do not prohibited both in the Pura.

In the Pura there is some room safe
DDD is there in the middle of the page containing sulfur Pura believed that people face wash or rinse will face life. No wonder so many are bathing in the pond that there is a shower - shower. When visited in the morning and afternoon, the visitors will witness the local people are doing worship in the area in February this.

Shower or Cetik named Poison and the name Tirta Empul related to the merger mythology Mayadenawa King Stone Anyar with Bhatara Indra. In the mythology that King told Mayadewah behave high - handed and prohibit the conduct residents of the religious ceremonies. Attitude is known by the end of the Deity of the Gods, led by Indra Bhatara Mayadenawa attack.

Mayadenawa can be defeated and fled, and covering the north side Siring village. Because kesaktiannya Mayadenawa create Cetik springs that make the Laskar Bhatara Indra cottage. Viewing the event Bhatara Indra anger and drive tombaknya so that the radiating out from the water surface. Water is used to sprinkle the deity and not some old and they live again as usual.


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