Wednesday, November 12, 2008


Besakih Temple

Tirtagangga built in 1948 by the King of Karangasem, Anak Agung Ketut Anglurah Ibadan. This dikonstruksi water park in a very unique architectural style with Bali and China.

Tirtagangga located in the village of Ababi, Abang Subdistrict, approximately 83 km from Denpasar and 6 km from north to Arad.

The facilities available in this region, among other small hotels, small restaurants and stalls and a wide parking area.

Tirtagangga terletang in the area of 1.2 hectares consisting of three complex. Complex that is the first in the bottom of the pond can be found two teratati and fountains. The second is the complex where the center can be found swimming pool; while, in the third, namely, the third complex, we can find a health resort king.

Before construction Tirtagangga, there is a large source of the water in this area; so that local people call this area "embukan" which means the water.

Eyes water and then used to meet the needs of the population will be water and also as a "purification" of the Gods. For this purpose, the water is considered holy and sacral.

Religious aspects in constructing houses for the rest Tirtaganga king and also for the general to be witnessed.



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